Saturday, October 6, 2012


So I signed up for this sock knitting class at a local yarn store. I've been wanting to take this class forever and I figured now was a good time to finally do it.

Last week was the first of two classes. It was just me, one other old lady, and the instructor. We got our socks going and whatnot and they asked me some questions about the pregnancy and whatnot. When I told them how far along I was, the other lady taking the class responded with, "Wow! You're gigantic!"

I just kind of laughed it off and said something about eating for two or something and just kind of shrugged it off as crazy old lady talk. Whatever.

Today I went for the second part of the class and the lady asked my due date and when I told her February 1st, she responded with "You just really look like you're due way before that."

So now I'm a little annoyed. I was already mad because I was hungry and I messed up my sock. But, seriously, WHO SAYS THAT? And not just a once, oops-I-stuck-my-foot-in-my-mouth kind of thing. Ugh.

And for the record, I'm pretty sure I look like someone who's 23 weeks pregnant. But even if I looked like I were 36 weeks pregnant instead, perhaps that's a comment best left to one's self.

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