Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Being pregnant is weird. 

It just is. I said it. I mean, I'm really HAPPY and super EXCITED (and nervous and worried, but that's another post) to be having a baby. But being pregnant is weird.

Sure, some of it you expect. I mean, everyone knows about the morning sickness and the cravings and the mood swings. Maybe even the fatigue and spidey-sense of smell if you're google savvy. But here are some things that I find weird about being pregnant:

  • I actually haven't really had morning sickness yet. Almost 75% of women experience morning sickness. That, according to google, makes me weird and lucky. I mean, it's still early, so it could still come. I'm not hoping it does. I was just expecting it and so far, I get a little queasy occasionally but it passes pretty quickly.
  • Another symptom that is supposed to be an early indicator of pregnancy is breast tenderness or soreness. So far my boobs just feel gigantic! They don't really hurt; they just feel like really heavy balloons trying to strangle me. 
  • THE MUCUS. Holy cow, the mucus. Pregnant women are a congested bunch. Seriously, no one could have prepared me for this. Every single mucus membrane I own is covered in a layer of slime. If this stuff was useful and could be bottled, pregnant women would run the world.
  • But at the same time, I'm constantly parched. How can you be so wet and so dry at the same time? It's positively baffling. All I know is that my water bottles have seen more use in the last six weeks than they have in probably the last six years. And in fact, I think I need to buy another one just to keep in my bedroom.
  • Let's talk about the cravings. I'm having them (hello hamburgers from heaven). But related, and really strange, is the fact that foods just don't taste the same. I ate a sweet potato the other day that tasted like pepper. Straight up, black pepper. Weird as hell. Like green ketchup, but worse.
  • And let's talk about the fatigue while we're at it. I think this is more than fatigue. This is I can barely keep my eyes open I feel like I've been up for four days at 8:00 every night kind of tired.
So, yeah. It's weird. There are other things too (forgetfulness, bowel movements, the crying, the fact that my uterus is constantly talking to me (sort of like the day before you start your period, but all day every single day), the insane number of times you visit the restroom in one day, my teeth hurt, and probably other things that aren't coming to mind right now - see item one in this list...), but these are the big things so far to me. I'm sure there will be more.

Pregnancy. What a weird and amazing experience. 

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