Being pregnant is weird.
It just is. I said it. I mean, I'm really HAPPY and super EXCITED (and nervous and worried, but that's another post) to be having a baby. But being pregnant is weird.
Sure, some of it you expect. I mean, everyone knows about the morning sickness and the cravings and the mood swings. Maybe even the fatigue and spidey-sense of smell if you're google savvy. But here are some things that I find weird about being pregnant:
- I actually haven't really had morning sickness yet. Almost 75% of women experience morning sickness. That, according to google, makes me weird and lucky. I mean, it's still early, so it could still come. I'm not hoping it does. I was just expecting it and so far, I get a little queasy occasionally but it passes pretty quickly.
- Another symptom that is supposed to be an early indicator of pregnancy is breast tenderness or soreness. So far my boobs just feel gigantic! They don't really hurt; they just feel like really heavy balloons trying to strangle me.
- THE MUCUS. Holy cow, the mucus. Pregnant women are a congested bunch. Seriously, no one could have prepared me for this. Every single mucus membrane I own is covered in a layer of slime. If this stuff was useful and could be bottled, pregnant women would run the world.
- But at the same time, I'm constantly parched. How can you be so wet and so dry at the same time? It's positively baffling. All I know is that my water bottles have seen more use in the last six weeks than they have in probably the last six years. And in fact, I think I need to buy another one just to keep in my bedroom.
- Let's talk about the cravings. I'm having them (hello hamburgers from heaven). But related, and really strange, is the fact that foods just don't taste the same. I ate a sweet potato the other day that tasted like pepper. Straight up, black pepper. Weird as hell. Like green ketchup, but worse.
- And let's talk about the fatigue while we're at it. I think this is more than fatigue. This is I can barely keep my eyes open I feel like I've been up for four days at 8:00 every night kind of tired.
Pregnancy. What a weird and amazing experience.
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