Friday, August 31, 2012

Bump Watch 18 Weeks

How far along: 18 weeks
Baby is the size of an: bell pepper (~5 1/2 inches)
News: I actually stayed home sick from work yesterday and the day before, but I'm feeling better. Unfortunately, I gave it to Seth. Also, I now feel the need to walk around the house singing "I don't think you're ready for this belly. My body's too babylicious for you, baby." Totally giving Beyonce a run for her money.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Today was a big day for me. It was the first day that someone that didn't already know I was pregnant realized I was pregnant.

A sales rep that comes to our lab periodically greeted me with "Congratulations!" today and it was a little surprising to me. Mostly that she sort of snuck up on me and yelled congratulations, but it was nice for someone to notice.

But I mean I guess it's getting obvious... :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012


The baby was wiggling around in church today. I think it really likes it there. Maybe it will be a pastor when it grows up.

We also talked to our pastor Jack about baby baptism vs dedication. Family members, if you have strong feelings on the subject, we're willing to hear your arguments and opinions while we decide which we want to do.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bump Watch 17 Weeks

How far along: 17 weeks
Baby is the size of an: onion (4 1/2 to 4 3/4 inches)
News: It's wriggling around in there!


This kid loves vinegar. Must be related to me.

Also, it's moving around a lot tonight. Or at least a lot compared to the rare little movements I've been feeling. Love it. :)

Friday, August 24, 2012


I finally got back in the pool this morning. I am so happy to have a renewed gym membership after not having one all summer. Honestly, I wouldn't have used it for the first fourteen or so weeks of pregnancy anyway, but I've been itching to get back the last three weeks (since I've been feeling better).

I did two 30-minute walks this week and finally made it in in time to swim this morning. Swimming for two is difficult! Or maybe it was taking four months off... Either way, I did 400 yards and that was enough for today. A short swim, but it was a workout. Although I think the baby liked flip turns. It started moving around after I did them. It was weird to feel the baby moving in the middle of a lap. Maybe it will be a swimmer... I also did some backstroke. It was nice to be on my back and not be uncomfortable or worry about cutting off the baby's oxygen.

Also, I was really happy with my maternity swimsuit. I think I like it even better than my normal lap swimming suit! Plus it's cute.

Here's the suit I ended up with:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I was so excited to go back to the HPER to walk on the track this morning. Unfortunately, when I got to the locker room, my nose was bleeding like crazy. It stopped, but I've been paranoid every time I sniffle today.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Conformation change

So Seth and I are scientists. Fairly nerdy ones at that.

Today at work I dropped my glove on the floor. I just kind of stared at it a second while my boss happened to walk by. He asks me if I can still pick it up and I tell him I can. And he replies, "So you're not that conformationally altered yet?"

Baby nerd jokes. Love it. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I find that I want to go to high school football games and watch football on tv and football movies. Now, I'm pretty excited about fall (it's my favorite season by far), but I'm not usually a football person. I'm thinking this thing must be a boy. Or a future cheerleader. Weird.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bump Watch 16 Weeks

How far along: 16 weeks
Baby is the size of an: avocado (about 4 1/2 inches)
Gender:  I don't know if I want to know!
Total weight gain/loss: 3-4 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yup. And as you can see in the picture, only tall women get pregnant. I should get my pants hemmed...  
Sleep: Seth has taken up snoring. And I wake up every two hours, usually for good around 6.
Best moment this week: I definitely felt the baby move today!
Food cravings: Still apples and apple juice. And I've increased my ice cream consumption. And grapefruit.
Food aversions: No super aversions currently, but some foods still don't taste right. I'm looking forward to when chocolate doesn't taste like dirt.
Movement: Yes! Only once (just a couple hours ago) for sure and a few that I'm pretty sure was baby. :)
Symptoms: Dat bump. Also, I think each boob deserves its own zip code now.
Labor Signs: Nope
Stretch Marks: I think I will probably be getting some. And probably sooner than I'd like.
Swelling: I don't think so.
Belly Button in or out: In
What I miss: belts
What I am looking forward to: going home in October to see our families (not exactly baby related, but sort of)
Milestones: Movement!
News: I think I've covered most of it... :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I think I'm experiencing baby-induced heartburn. Oh, yay.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I'm not sure, but I think I've been feeling the baby move a couple nights while I'm laying in bed trying to sleep. Exciting!


Also, mark your calendars! Seth and I will be in North Carolina October 12th through 22nd. We should be in the Greensboro/Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area October 13th through 17th and in the Dallas/Gastonia/Charlotte area October 17th through 22nd. 

Let us know if you're around and want to get together!


I think we've completed our registry! 

For anyone who wants to know, we are registered at Target. Just go to the registry tab and search for Jillann and/or Seth Madren.

Ugly Cry

I had a huge, sobbing, ugly cry last night. Right before childbirth class. Because I can't wear a belt.

Yesterday was my first day wearing my new maternity pants. I had been wearing some shorts I got, which have been just fine. Love those little stretchy things. But my pants are a whole other story. First of all, apparently only super tall, leggy women get pregnant in the maternity design world. Every pair of pants I tried on are at least six inches too long. Which is dumb, because I am right at the American average height for women. I don't know very many preggos tottering around in six inch heels. But, and I have this problem in regular pants too, my thighs are proportionally larger than pretty much any other part of me. Which tends to make my pants saggy without a belt because the waist part isn't tight enough. Maternity pants don't even have belt loops. So all day I was mooning people my nude colored stretchy stuff (which even worse has a seam up the back to really get that buttcrack look) and they were really difficult to pull up due to lack of belt loops or waist band.

So I got a little too hungry and had a meltdown because I don't have belt loops.

I like the side rouched tshirts that I have, but now I'm thinking maybe I should stick to tunics and leggings for the rest of this pregnancy. :-/

Friday, August 10, 2012

Bump Watch 15 Weeks

How far along: 15 weeks
Baby is the size of an: apple (about 4 inches)
News: We've started working on our registry.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I woke up ridiculously early, so I'm going to write a post I've been thinking about for a while, but was brought to mind at our doctor's visit yesterday.

A lot of women worry about the weight they'll gain during pregnancy. Most of us don't want to gain too much. For some reason this is just not something I'm super worried about. Sure, I'm not looking forward to the work (mostly the dieting) that will likely be needed to take it off post baby, but even that I'm not stressed over. I mean, I have a goal weight limit in mind. Two in fact. Goal A is to not weigh more than Seth (185 lbs) which puts me right at the ideal weight gain. Goal B is to not weigh more than 200 pounds. But even if I don't make those goals, I am really looking at it from the mindset of my body will do what it needs to do to make and deliver a healthy baby. If my body needs 80 pounds to do that, then that's what it is. I will worry about that after my body has done its present (and most important) task of making and delivering a healthy baby.

I'm a little surprised at how laid back I feel about everything concerning the baby. I'm usually very Type A, a little uptight, and need to plan everything and know all details about everything. I think this baby is a good thing for me. For whatever reason, I'm okay with not knowing things and just have faith that everything will be fine. Not that I'm usually a big pessimist, doom-sayer type, I just generally feel fairly relaxed about the baby. Which I think is actually a good thing.

Anyway, I went off on a tangent there. I just wanted to say that weight is a big issue for a lot of women (understatement of the year?). I'd be lying if I said it wasn't an issue for me at times. This is just not one of those times.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Doctor's visit

We had one of our monthly checkups this morning. What better way to start the day than listening to your baby's heartbeat? I love that sound. It was beating good and strong, didn't even have to search for it. He asked how everything was going and I answered all his questions and he said my pregnancy is going by the book. So, yay, me!

More Onesies

I was browsing Target's website and discovered a whole new kind of onesie that our baby needs. Seriously. Needs.

I especially love the banana, but the peas are adorable too.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


on Old Navy's website

My birthday is next month. Green. Size 12. Just in case you need ideas.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bump Watch 14 weeks

How far along: 14 weeks
Baby is the size of a: lemon (about 3.5 inches)
News: I'm feeling a lot better. I've gotten most of my energy back and my appetite. It's a little weird suddenly going from "I'm not sure I can eat" to "OMG I'M HUNGRY FEED ME NOW" but I'm taking it as a good sign. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012


This is going to sound crazy. Just so you're prewarned.

I read a lot of blogs. One of them is very similar to this one, and in fact, I would even say one of the big reasons I started this blog. It's written by a girl I knew at UNC and chronicles her pregnancies and now her babies. You can find it at

Anyway, during her first pregnancy, she mentioned that she heard that sometimes your nose widens when you are pregnant. She thought this was crazy. And then she thought it happened to her.

Well, I'm pretty sure the same thing is happening to me. I, too, thought that sounded crazy (although really at this point I don't think anyone should be surprised at all the wacky things a female body will do in pregnancy). I even thought it was crazy after it happened to her. Well, now I'm pretty sure it's happening to me. I had to put in contacts this morning because after wearing my glasses for three days, the bridge of my nose hurts. Like really hurts. And was even like indented last night. My glasses have never done that. Even when I fell asleep in them and they were smooshed against my face. And I swear it even looks bigger. Because I normally have a super bony, thin little nose. I totally think it's beefing up into a real nose.
