Friday, August 24, 2012


I finally got back in the pool this morning. I am so happy to have a renewed gym membership after not having one all summer. Honestly, I wouldn't have used it for the first fourteen or so weeks of pregnancy anyway, but I've been itching to get back the last three weeks (since I've been feeling better).

I did two 30-minute walks this week and finally made it in in time to swim this morning. Swimming for two is difficult! Or maybe it was taking four months off... Either way, I did 400 yards and that was enough for today. A short swim, but it was a workout. Although I think the baby liked flip turns. It started moving around after I did them. It was weird to feel the baby moving in the middle of a lap. Maybe it will be a swimmer... I also did some backstroke. It was nice to be on my back and not be uncomfortable or worry about cutting off the baby's oxygen.

Also, I was really happy with my maternity swimsuit. I think I like it even better than my normal lap swimming suit! Plus it's cute.

Here's the suit I ended up with:

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