I had sort of a crappy day. It was really close to involving one of those ugly pregnancy cries. Mostly work related. But I was also not happy about my placenta situation. The doctor's office called me this morning and told me I couldn't walk or swim anymore and that I should take it easy until my next ultrasound (October 10th). So I was bummed about that.
But then Seth took me to Chocolate Moose and I had homemade pumpkin ice cream with caramel syrup, which was delicious and made me feel a little better. Then I went to bell choir practice and one of the ladies who also plays said something really incredibly nice. She said that Seth and I are the type of people who should have kids. Which is just a really nice thing to say. And made me feel better.
Also, the woman working the register at the Union asked me what I was having. And a fellow labmate mentioned that she thought my bump had really popped as well. So it's cool that I'm really looking pregnant. I like having a bump to hold. It makes me really look forward to holding our baby.
And, I got an unexpected birthday card in the mail from one of Seth's relatives. It also had kind words for me and little Madren.
So, even though I was in sort of a crappy mood all day and sort of let things stress me out more than necessary, it ended up being not so bad.
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