Friday, November 30, 2012

Braxton Hicks

So I went home early today because I think I was having some Braxton Hicks contractions. They didn't last very long and they weren't painful, just uncomfortable. Kind of like when you're getting ready to start your period. Or really need to go #2. My boss is out of town and I had done all my important experiments for the week, so I figured I was safe to just rest at home. I think yesterday's uber long, busy, tiring day contributed to it. I was really thirsty and have read that lack of hydration can impact these things.

Anyway, I don't really think it was a big deal or anything and I'm happy to have a day of rest. Especially since I think I'm entering the nesting phase. I just really want the house clean and to wash all the baby stuff. I've already organized his closet (and rearranged our linen closet to make that possible).

Nine more weeks. Single digits. It's getting real.

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