How far along: 32 weeks
Baby is the size of a: large jicama (about 6.7 inches and approximately 3.75 pounds)
Gender: Boy
Total weight gain/loss: 28 pounds
Maternity clothes: yep
Sleep: Better this past week than it has been lately.
Best moment this week: Got all our diapers washed!
Food cravings: plain Ruffle chips with Ranch dip
Food aversions: I think they're gone! Finally!
Movement: Ninja bursts! Also, this has got to be the most hiccuping baby ever.
Symptoms: Hips still hurt but have been better the last couple nights. Lots of movement.
Labor Signs: I think I've had a few Braxton Hicks contractions, but otherwise, no.
Stretch Marks: Yep.
Swelling: It was bad in my hands and feet last week, but has gone back down in the last couple days.
Belly Button in or out: In, but I can see the bottom of it and it is weird.
What I miss: Sushi. And I'm a little sad that I won't be partaking in any eggnog this year.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting him! Saying Hi for the first time. Baby hugs.
Milestones: I can't believe there are only 8 weeks left.
Comparison photo:
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