Friday, January 4, 2013

Bump Watch 36 weeks

How far along: 36 weeks
Baby is the size of a: crenshaw melon (about >18.5 inches and approximately 6 pounds)
Gender:  Boy
Total weight gain/loss: ~40 pounds
Maternity clothes: I feel like I've almost outgrown them.
Sleep: Not so much.
Best moment this week: Ultrasound this morning was excellent! 
Food cravings: I feel like eating healthy stuff. But no real cravings lately.   
Food aversions: Not lately
Movement: Tons. He sometimes will kick me back when I'm rubbing him. 
Symptoms: I'm ginormous. 
Labor Signs: A few more Braxton Hicks in the last few days. 
Stretch Marks: Yep. In fact, I think I'm getting new ones on my butt. Which was the last place that needed to stretch...
Swelling: Some. Mostly in my hands. Some in my feet.
Belly Button in or out: Barely an innie. I feel like it's a race as to whether my belly button will pop out or I'll have the baby first. I'm rooting for the turkey timer scenario.
What I miss: Sushi.
What I am looking forward to: I just really want to see him and hold him.   
Milestones: Baby was head down at the ultrasound this morning! One more week and he'll officially be full term. Also, I think he's dropped. I feel like there's a bowling ball in my pelvis and it hurts to stand up.

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