Friday, July 13, 2012


So I mentioned that I had been signed up for a half Ironman in October. For Christmas last year, Seth gave me a gift certificate for an hour long massage to "help with the soreness" from that. Since that's on hold and I have to use the gift certificate before December of this year, I went for a prenatal massage yesterday evening.

My lower back and especially my left butt cheek had really been hurting for the past week or so. I think it's a sciatic nerve related pain. So I booked an appointment to hopefully help it out a little.

I signed up with Beth at Massage on the Square since she was the only one available when I wanted to go. She does the side-lying massage for pregnant women. I have to say, that was a little awkward for me because I didn't have a whole lot to lay on the body pillow for support. So I moved a lot when she pushed on me and then my arms fell asleep. But the stuff she did to my cheeks felt really good. I think she used her elbows.

Anyway, I don't feel 100% better today, which really since I think it's a nerve thing, I wasn't really expecting to feel 100% better, but I do feel better. It doesn't hurt nearly as badly as it was yesterday and especially Wednesday. So that's exciting. She also told me some things I can do at home to stretch those muscles to help take the pressure off my nerve. I also read that swimming can help with that, which is just another reason to hit the pool.

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