Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day and Night

I think Baby James is figuring out this day/night thing. And I think it's because we've turned into bed sharers.

We initially did not plan on that. We thought rooming in with a co-sleeper crib would be enough. We didn't set up a nursery because we're planning on moving soon and that didn't seem practical. So we put a co-sleeper crib and a changing table in our bedroom.


 James doesn't really care for the crib. He wakes up pretty soon after we put him in it. A couple days ago, I was really tired and James was hungry so I was determined to figure out the side lying nursing. We both had the best nap ever! So we decided to try it at night. After a weekend of good sleep, I think we've converted to bed sharers. Yes, I still wake up to nurse him every couple hours, and Seth gets up to change diapers, but I think we're all getting more and better sleep. Yay!

Best laid plans and all that...

Our Birth Plan

I realize I never posted our birth plan. So, just for reference, here it is:

Madren Family Birth Plan
Due Date: February 1st, 2013

We are very excited to deliver our baby at Bloomington Hospital with Dr. John Labban. We are hoping for a natural birth, based on the Bradley Method, and feel prepared for such. However, we understand that complications may arise and flexibility is essential to labor and delivery. We ask to be consulted and informed before administering any medications or performing any procedures to mother or baby.

Thank you for helping bring our first child into the world!

During First Stage Labor, we request:

  • No separation of husband and wife. We will also have a doula, Barbara Lehr, and her assistant present.
  • To go into labor naturally and to allow labor to progress naturally with no augmentation.
  • Freedom of movement.
  • Freedom to eat and drink as desired.
  • Access to birthing tools such as shower, birthing ball, squatting bar, music, aromatherapy, etc. 
  • No routine IVs. Heplock if necessary.
  • No offering of pain medications. We will ask if desired.
  • Only intermittent external fetal monitoring as necessary. No internal fetal monitoring.
  • Minimal vaginal exams.

During Second Stage Labor and Delivery, we request:

  •  To push according to urge.
  • No episiotomy.  We prefer natural methods to stretch and soothe the perineum (massage, warm compresses, etc.). If an episiotomy is necessary, we prefer a pressure episiotomy. Local anesthesia for stitches if necessary.
  • Unassisted delivery without use of forceps or vacuum.
  • Baby to be given to mother immediately after birth.
  • Delayed clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord until after it has stopped pulsing, with the option for father to cut the cord.

After Birth, we request:

  • All routine newborn exams and procedures delayed for at least one hour to allow for bonding and breastfeeding.
  • All exams and procedures performed on mother’s chest if possible.
  • Baby to remain in room. If he has to go to the nursery or leave the room, he should be accompanied by one or both parents.
  • Baby will be exclusively breastfed. Please do not give him any bottles, formula, or pacifiers.
  • Baby will not be circumcised.
  • Mother requests TDAP vaccine after delivery.

In Case of Cesarean, we request:

  • Father to be allowed in operating room.
  • Mother to be awake during the procedure.
  • Either parent to hold the baby as soon as possible.

Please feel free to ask us any questions! Thank you again for your support in welcoming our new family member. We look forward to sharing our baby’s birth day with you!

Seth and Jillann Madren

Monday, February 25, 2013


I've given birth to the most hiccupping baby ever. His habit of getting hiccups two to three times a day in utero continues on the outside. I feel bad because there's nothing I can do really, but at least they don't seem to bother him too badly. I guess he's gotten used to it...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

James's Birth Story from Jillann's Perspective

So excited I finally have a chance to sit down at the computer! Life with a newborn sure is different. :)

This will be a long post, so I'm putting James's birth story behind a page break.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Bath Time

Baby James does NOT like baths.

Even though I gave him an awesome mohawk.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Things about James

Just a few things I've learned about James in the past two weeks.

• He's a very serious baby.
• He HATES having a wet diaper.
• He likes having his arms free and sleeps with them up near his face.
• He gets hangry (like his mommy) and activates what we've deemed "Mini Beast Mode."
• He likes James Taylor, Paul Simon, Jackson Browne, and The Beatles, but not Adele.
• He likes riding in the car.
• He is not a fan of socks.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Dear milk,

Please come in.

Jillann and James (and probably Seth too)

Friday, February 8, 2013

He's Here!

James Brennen Madren arrived at 10:38 pm on Thursday, February 7th. He weighed 9 pounds 9 ounces and is 22.5 inches long. He came out pink, fat, and happy, scoring 9 on both Apgar tests. We have a big, beautiful baby love.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


No pictures today. But the ultrasound confirms that Baby Madren is really comfortable in there. Looking good, but comfy. And apparently Dr. Labban may drown when the baby comes out. Oh, and my placenta is better than average.

So now I'm signed up for another non-stress test on Friday just to make sure he's still baking fine.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Non-Stress Test

We went for our non-stress test today. Apparently the fetal monitor was a very popular machine; I had to wait at least an hour and a half past my schedule time to be seen. Laying on the exam table was uncomfortable (but really just about everything is uncomfortable at this point...). The baby's heartbeat was monitored for a while (ten fifteen minutes? not really sure). He passed with flying colors. Dr. Labban's words were "A triple plus." Which really just means that our little one is really comfy in there. He did check my cervix again, which wasn't nearly as bad as last time. Possibly because I knew what to expect. He said I was still dilated about the same, but that I'm 80-90% effaced now. So slight progress, I guess. We'll go for our ultrasound tomorrow (#5!) and keep waiting. But now I'm pretty sure he's hanging out in there until Valentine's Day. Perhaps I shouldn't have been calling him "Baby Love" all this time...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Bump Watch 40 weeks

How far along: 40 weeks
Baby is the size of a: mini watermelon or small pumpkin (about ~20 inches and approximately 7.5 pounds)
Gender:  Boy
Total weight gain/loss: ~50 pounds
Maternity clothes: barely cover the baby anymore!
Sleep: About an hour at a time
Best moment this week: The bath Seth made me this morning.  
Food cravings: cereal   
Food aversions: Not lately
Movement: Slowed down. I think he's running out of room. Some spots, like where he keeps his feet are so tight, it's tender to touch.  
Symptoms: Please. 
Labor Signs: I think I've been losing my mucous plug. TMI? 
Stretch Marks: More than I care to think about
Swelling: Mostly in my feet
Belly Button in or out: Still hanging on to the innie
What I miss: my body
What I am looking forward to: Getting this baby out of me  
Milestones: Hello, due date! Still no baby...

Due Date

This is my Facebook status today:

What do you do when you wake up pregnant on your due date and start crying? If you're lucky you have a husband that runs a hot bath, makes you a cup of tea, and rubs your feet with delicious smelling sugar scrub while you listen to James Taylor radio on Pandora. Sorry, other ladies who think you have the best husband in the world. Today, you're wrong.

That's the second time this week I've woken up and started crying. The end of pregnancy is SO. HARD. I really expected to not make it to my due date, and here I am. But luckily I really do have an amazing husband who loves me and takes care of me and helps me calm down when the rest of the world is really stinking annoying. 

He's a great husband. And he's going to be an amazing dad. 

If our baby ever decides to come out... :)