I think Baby James is figuring out this day/night thing. And I think it's because we've turned into bed sharers.
We initially did not plan on that. We thought rooming in with a co-sleeper crib would be enough. We didn't set up a nursery because we're planning on moving soon and that didn't seem practical. So we put a co-sleeper crib and a changing table in our bedroom.
James doesn't really care for the crib. He wakes up pretty soon after we put him in it. A couple days ago, I was really tired and James was hungry so I was determined to figure out the side lying nursing. We both had the best nap ever! So we decided to try it at night. After a weekend of good sleep, I think we've converted to bed sharers. Yes, I still wake up to nurse him every couple hours, and Seth gets up to change diapers, but I think we're all getting more and better sleep. Yay!
Best laid plans and all that...
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