Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Our Birth Plan

I realize I never posted our birth plan. So, just for reference, here it is:

Madren Family Birth Plan
Due Date: February 1st, 2013

We are very excited to deliver our baby at Bloomington Hospital with Dr. John Labban. We are hoping for a natural birth, based on the Bradley Method, and feel prepared for such. However, we understand that complications may arise and flexibility is essential to labor and delivery. We ask to be consulted and informed before administering any medications or performing any procedures to mother or baby.

Thank you for helping bring our first child into the world!

During First Stage Labor, we request:

  • No separation of husband and wife. We will also have a doula, Barbara Lehr, and her assistant present.
  • To go into labor naturally and to allow labor to progress naturally with no augmentation.
  • Freedom of movement.
  • Freedom to eat and drink as desired.
  • Access to birthing tools such as shower, birthing ball, squatting bar, music, aromatherapy, etc. 
  • No routine IVs. Heplock if necessary.
  • No offering of pain medications. We will ask if desired.
  • Only intermittent external fetal monitoring as necessary. No internal fetal monitoring.
  • Minimal vaginal exams.

During Second Stage Labor and Delivery, we request:

  •  To push according to urge.
  • No episiotomy.  We prefer natural methods to stretch and soothe the perineum (massage, warm compresses, etc.). If an episiotomy is necessary, we prefer a pressure episiotomy. Local anesthesia for stitches if necessary.
  • Unassisted delivery without use of forceps or vacuum.
  • Baby to be given to mother immediately after birth.
  • Delayed clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord until after it has stopped pulsing, with the option for father to cut the cord.

After Birth, we request:

  • All routine newborn exams and procedures delayed for at least one hour to allow for bonding and breastfeeding.
  • All exams and procedures performed on mother’s chest if possible.
  • Baby to remain in room. If he has to go to the nursery or leave the room, he should be accompanied by one or both parents.
  • Baby will be exclusively breastfed. Please do not give him any bottles, formula, or pacifiers.
  • Baby will not be circumcised.
  • Mother requests TDAP vaccine after delivery.

In Case of Cesarean, we request:

  • Father to be allowed in operating room.
  • Mother to be awake during the procedure.
  • Either parent to hold the baby as soon as possible.

Please feel free to ask us any questions! Thank you again for your support in welcoming our new family member. We look forward to sharing our baby’s birth day with you!

Seth and Jillann Madren


  1. Thank you for posting this! My plan is to go natural but I feel like I'm fighting a bit against Chris' understanding (probably because I told his mother I was having it in the bathtub in the backyard as a joke)

    1. I told my in laws I never wanted kids... (In fact, when we told them we were pregnant, they asked if it was on purpose!)

      So at least you want to give them grandkids!

      Also, I totally believe that since you're the one doing all the work, you get to do it your way. Although it is a lot easier having support.
